As we approach Spring 2014 it is a great time for Active Health to keep our clients in Edinburgh updated with some of the fundamentals of health and wellbeing. We are also interested in sharing some of the achievements and goals of The Team of amazing therapists we have.
Active Health approaches our 2nd birthday in April and we are excited that we were slightly ahead of schedule achieving our goal of the final stage of the centers renovation project. We were able to get Room 5 up and running at the end of 2013, which allows the expansion and opportunity for more treatments for the community of Edinburgh. This is really important for our Team to grow with a variety of modalities and for us to have more appointments to offer. We also added further soundproofing to the other treatment rooms downstairs to ensure a tranquil environment and gain a further enhanced relaxed experience here at Active Health in Edinburgh.
As therapists, we understand the reluctance of fitness and healthy living around the winter season, especially over the festive period. It is a scenario too often predicted and usually thoroughly enjoyed until January comes! The lethargy and lack of routine kicks in and often our body and mind become harder and harder to motivate. We often treat for aches and pains that are related to inactivity and the most common of these is lower back pain. This is aggravated by prolonged sitting with bad posture and slouching on the sofa. It is very obvious that the body is missing movement!
Move it or Lose it! If we don’t use our muscles and move our joints, our body loses tone and stiffens up.
Now that the days are getting longer and the work/life routine is back into a predictable rhythm, we encourage an achievable change of adding 20 minutes of exercise a day. Small changes are those that last and are consistent. Keeping your fitness goals achievable and gradually progressing them is the way to longevity and enjoyment of being active. At Active Health it is one of our goals to assist the community of Edinburgh to stay injury free and manage those niggles and pains so that you can keep moving!
If you are confused as to which treatment is best for you then please get in touch for some advice. One of our friendly therapists is always here to help!