

Published on
July 15, 2013
Active Health

Here at Active Health we endeavour to offer an array of therapies and treatments that complement each other.

Pilates is a holistic exercise system designed to lengthen, strengthen and restore the body to balance which is a fantastic adjunct to any body work therapy as an exercise or on its own. Pilates exercises involve the whole body and are performed on a mat, sometimes using small pieces of equipment.

Pilates addresses underlying structural imbalances in the body which can create on-going pain and difficulty with movement. The whole of your body is considered. Lengthened and strengthened muscles improve posture and overall fitness and retrain dysfunctional movement patterns thereby restoring optimum physical function.

No matter your age, ability, flexibility or fitness level, Pilates is beneficial for everyone. At Active Health we have a maximum of 3 participants in a class. This allows our instructor to create a comprehensive and individual programme specific for each client and their existing injuries. This ensures your session is most effective in order to obtain your physical and rehabilitation goals.

One to one matwork Pilates
60 minutes£60

"The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning develops the body uniformly, corrects posture, restores vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit."
- Joseph Pilates

*We reserve the right to postpone or cancel the start date of any classes if we are unable to get enough participants. We will notify you as soon as possible and a full refund given. Why not ask a friend (or two) to join you to ensure your class runs!
